Pronoun Buttons - Pack of 12

Pronoun Buttons - Pack of 12 Sale


Pronoun Buttons - Pack of 12 Pronoun Buttons - Pack of 12 Pronoun Buttons - Pack of 12

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$2.50 $10.00

Gender is fluid, so it's never OK to assume someone's gender. Doing so can be very harmful, hurtful, and demoralizing. Everyone has the right to choose how they would like to be identified and which pronouns they prefer to use.

These pronoun buttons are a great way to raise awareness about gender inclusiveness and show support for those who have been victims of misgendering. 

Wear these buttons and carry extras with you wherever you go. And please, always remember to ask before assuming someone’s gender. This simple act is one step toward a just world for all. 


Ask me about my pronoun!
he, him, his
she, her, hers
they, them, theirs


All are 1" round buttons.

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