When Sleeping Women Awake, Mountains Will Move (de Souza)

When Sleeping Women Awake, Mountains Will Move (de Souza) Sale


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$10.00 $15.99

Barbara Mosley de Souza shares the stories of the women she taught and worked with during her 40 years of service in Brazil, 14 as a social worker for the local Catholic church, eight with the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers), and 18 with Global Ministries. She provided health education to empower women in the favelas (shantytowns) of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. With her students, she designed and published the curriculum for a Community Health Educators Training Course and proved that knowledge builds self-esteem, thus empowering her students to become multipliers, encouraging more women to change their own lives and the lives of others.

The earnings from the book go to the Associacao de Educadoras Comunitarios de Saude, one of Global Ministries partners in Brazil.

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