A Sure Foundation: Resources for the Relationship between Pastors and Congregations

A Sure Foundation: Resources for the Relationship between Pastors and Congregations Sale


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$5.00 $30.00

Foster a healthy relationship between your church and its pastor with practical guidance from A Sure Foundation. From best practices for annual reviews, to creative ideas for sabbaticals, to ethical boundaries in social media, to the creation of a Pastoral Relations Committee, and more, A Sure Foundation supports the healthy ministries of both pastor and congregation.

Click here for table of contents and introduction.

A resource from the United Church of Christ’s Ministerial Excellence Support & Authorization (MESA) Team.

Single copy: $6.00  (5-pk $22.50)
Paperback, 58 pages. 8 1/2 X 11
PDF $5.00

Published May 2018


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