Facing your Church's Uncertain Future/ Helpful Practices for Courageous Conversations & Faithful Decisions
Many churches are facing uncertain futures and are in need of conversation to consider their next most faithful steps. Ministry in such congregations calls for faithful honest—often difficult conversations—which pastors and congregations might sadly avoid. Many congregations, even if vital in mission and service, most likely need to have conversations concerning their capabilities, community relationships, facilities, and finances for the future.
Facing Your Church’s Uncertain Future is a new resource, from the United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund, that offers good practices and resources for discerning, discussing, and making decisions concerning your church’s future.
From UCC General Minister & President, Rev. John C. Dorhauer
“Transition has always been a part of the organic life of the Church. We live through seasons of growth and decay, of new life emerging and of communities transitioning through a season of decline and even closure. The “Facing Your Church’s Uncertain Future” resource recognizes that even in our seasons of decline we can pursue a spiritual pathway to a death with dignity, one that honors both the legacy of mission which birthed and sustained the church through its days of operation and also honors our resurrection hope which tells us that death never speaks the last word. With technical accuracy and spiritual integrity, this resource helps churches in their latter days take the necessary steps not just to die with dignity, but to celebrate with the hope of those who believe in the power of Christ’s resurrection all that this church did while it lived.”
From Vice President of Hope Partnership, Rev. Rick Morse
“There are good ways to close a ministry, and some really bad ways to do it. Finally there is a wonderful resource [“Facing Your Church’s Uncertain Future”] that helps congregational leaders have a difficult conversation that leads to good practices. Legacy building ensures that the churches assets are used to their full measure, while being sensitive towards those who have called that church home for a long time.”
From Episcopal priest and author, the Rev. Dr. Gail Cafferata:
“‘Facing Your Church’s Uncertain Future’ offers a courageous, faithful and pioneering path for churches who want to discern God’s call into a new future. The publication is a gem, a one-of-a-kind denominational guide that will be useful for churches in every denomination, even those whose properties are held in trust for the denomination, because of its guidance for congregational decision-making and spiritually consoling liturgical resources. As much as I wish this resource had been available when we closed our church, I rejoice in the light it now bears for congregations walking a challenging road.”
Click here to download the Worship Resources section for FREE.
$14.99 – Three-hole punched. 8.5” x 11”, 68 pages
$9.99 – Digital Download, Full Resource
$3.99 – Digital Download, Good Practices Section Only
Published January 2019
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