Wellness Ministries | Handbook for Visitation

Wellness Ministries | Handbook for Visitation Sale


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$8.00 $80.00

New HANDBOOK FOR VISITATION from UCC Wellness Ministries

This invaluable Handbook is designed to support those doing visitation, whether experienced or new to this ministry. Our role in connecting with people on behalf of the church is not just a responsibility but a significant and valued part of ministry, this Handbook will guide and empower you as needed.

As church representatives, we are entrusted to share God's love and comfort with those in need while honoring their unique life experiences and perspectives. 

The quotes from scripture, various prayers, and blessings cover many situations, and the blank pages allow you to add your own favorites. Thus, it becomes a handy reference booklet for those unexpected occurrences. 

Wellness Ministries Toolkit 2023, Section 2 – VIII Handouts provide more in-depth information on what to consider when connecting with others on behalf of the church. 

This Wellness Ministries Handbook For Visitation replaces the now-retired Called to Care Pocket Handbook for Caregivers.

Single copy $8.00
Pack of 5    $32.50
Pack of 10  $60.00
PDF Download: $8.00


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